Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sun Beams: Standing Proud!

I haven't posted in awhile because...well...I've been busy and maybe a tad lazy. There was so much going on and so much I want to share that I just didn't know where to start. Unfortunately, I am making this a very short, concise post because we're on vacation starting tomorrow and won't have access to a computer for a few days and while we're gone ALL our computers will be having general maintenance done by our computer guys (BNT Enterprises). So, without further delay.....

Here's some of our most recent good news:

Rae stood! She placed weight on her little feet and stood. She has done this twice this week. I ran around the house looking for my camera, propelled by pure joy, and immediately sent out text messages to friends and family! Here's a pic...

Rae's scoliosis has gotten better and the curve reduced by about 15 degrees! Amen!! If it wasn't better they were going to recommend bracing.

Rae has been consistently prop sitting for 30 seconds or more.

We were approved for Occupational Therapy (OT) to come once a week and met Karen for the first time last Wednesday. She is a ball of energy and a welcomed addition to our care team.

When we get back from our vacation, Daddy is going to put up Rae's new swimming pool and I can't wait. She loves being in the water. Thanks Mimi and G-Boss!

I found a bike trailer on clearance at Target and it was marked 50% off! This was a major score for me because every now and then I feel a little trapped in the house, but the weather here is starting to shift into fall and I can taste freedom from these four walls. Super stoked!

There is so much more I want to share, but time is ticking away and I need to get packed. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend. I know we will!

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