Friday, November 23, 2012

Sun Beams: Reaching Inchstones

This week during Rae's PT and OT session we had some wonderful examples of progress! She did such a great job and worked so hard to meet these inchstones that I had to run and grab my camera so I could capture it on film (and video of course).

It was a GREAT week and I want to share those moments with you...

Rae showing off some great head control with Ms. Anna!

Rae sitting pretty while watching Sid the Science Kid.

Rae playing with a ball during OT with Ms. Karen.
This is a BIG development and is the first time she has actually played with a ball!

Rae pulling (not racking) pegs from the board and dropping them in a bucket.
This has taken months of work and she just started doing it without prompting this week during OT!

Sitting without support from Ms. Karen.

Weight bearing on her arms (about 70% her, 30% Ms. Anna) and sitting unsupported!

These exciting developments were just what we needed!

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