Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm Still Here...

I can't even begin to play catch-up with everything that has been going on lately. There is just too much to share. Here's a quick run down:

  • Rae saw an ENT today for the first (and not the last) time. We will probably be scheduling surgery to have tubes put in her ears. She has had four ear infections in 6 months. The best part was he wants to wait until we find out about having a sleep study completed before scheduling the surgery just in case we need to remove her tonsils/adenoids (three for the price of one... maybe...Sweet!) Just to clarify, I am not looking forward to Rae having any surgical procedure, but if we can do what needs to be done at once then that means one co-pay, one hospital bill, one need for her to "go under." To us those are BIG pluses!
  • We went to a new neurologist and she supports us having a full sleep study done and also will be writing a letter for our insurance company regarding another matter I don't wish to divulge at this point.
  • Monday we have our first consultation with the doctor that will oversee the sleep study if he deems it to be necessary (it is).
  • Thought Rae had another ear infection...I was was just a virus (of course we had to go to the doctor to determine that).
  • We went to see Pulmonology again. This time to inquire about a airway clearance vest (it vibrates and helps reduce fluid in the lungs). Once we have finished jumping through all the hoops required to get it, Rae will be wearing it three times a day (I think) for 15 minutes each session. We hope this will reduce her congestion and infection rate (please, pretty please...I beg you!).
  • We cancelled our follow-up with Dr. Shoffner in ATL and trying to get it rescheduled has become another thorn in my side. Everything is done via email and they aren't responding to mine (starting to get a little pissed).
  • The Hubs has been working 6 days a week, 12 hours a day, and that leaves even more on my plate. Fortunately, after a long day at work he graciously <cough, cough>  (honestly I can't really blame was a pretty big job) came home and worked on one of my crazy ideas. A GIANT cat box for our back porch. It required cutting a hole for a doggie door (G-Boss helped) and building an almost 7 foot box. The cats are making smooth transition (thank heavens!) to using the potty outside.
  • Rae made a painting for G-Boss with homemade, non-toxic, edible paint that looked adorable!
  • Rae made a second painting for G-Boss using regular paints because the edible paint started peeling off like a dried up sunburn.
  • Easter came and went...Rae chewed on her beautiful, Easter dress and drove me batty doing so.
  • My Dad turned 60! Happy Birthday Pop!! I made him a banana pudding poke cake from Pinterest and he loved his gift from Rae!
Let's see....what else am I forgetting...oh yeah...the garage sale!

We have been working on and organizing a GIANT garage sale to take place this coming Saturday. My house officially looks like a thrift store. In fact, I would almost qualify for an episode of Hoarders. Friends, family, co-workers, and a couple of total strangers have donated items for our sale (including: a hot tub, a Wulitzer 4300 organ, a vintage Schwinn Sprint, and more!) and every penny goes towards building Rae's wheelchair ramp. If luck is on our side, most of the items will find new homes and mine will return to "normal." 


  1. good luck with the sleep study when you have it done. hopefully if she needs the tonsils and adnoids out they will do that at the same time as ear tubes. i wish they would have done that with my daughter because now she has to undergo another proceedure

  2. Holy crap you must be tired! I thought my April/May was tough. Happy Moms day!
